Snjeguljica/Snow White
Jednog će dana lovac doći po mene. Odvest će me u šumu da me ubije. Ali će se ipak smilovati, i pustiti me. Trčat ću kroz šumu i naći kućicu u koju ću se sakriti. Bit ću jako umorna i zaspati. Doći će sedam patuljaka i naći će me kako spavam u njihovoj kući. Oni će se brinuti za mene, a ja ću im kuhati i čistiti. Zla kraljica će doći i prevariti me. Prerušit će se u staricu i dat će mi otrovnu jabuku koju ću pojesti. Past ću u dubok san. Princ će doći i poljubit će me. Probudit ću se i udati za njega. Živjet ćemo sretno do kraja života.
One day,a hunter will come after me. He will take me to the woods to kill me. But he will feel sorry for me and let me go. I will run through the woods and find a cottage to hide in. I will be very tired and fall asleep. Seven dwarfs will come and find me sleeping in their house. They will take care of me and I will cook and clean for them. The evil queen will come and trick me. She will be disguised as an old women and she will give me a poisonous apple to eat.I will fall into a deep sleep . A prince will come and kiss me. I will wake up and marry him. We will live happily ever after.