Jednog dana u dalekom kraljevstvu živi mlada Snjeguljica koja je zbog ljubomore svoje maćehe ništa ne smije radit nego ce biti sluškinja u dvorcu, dok sama kraljica ne misli na ništa drugo nego na svoju vlastitu ljepotu. Nakon što joj čarobno zrcalo objavi da je Snjeguljica veće ljepote, kraljica ce nrediti lovcu da ubije princezu i donese njeno srce. Lovac nepristaje, ali nakon što nece biti u stanju ubiti nevinu djevojku ce ju upozoravati o namjerama kraljice te ce Snjeguljica pobjeci u šumu. Ubrzo pronaci ce malu kolibu i upoznat ce se sa patuljcima kod kojih ce boraviti ,Patuljci ce pristati da Snjeguljica ostane i ona ce im sretno obeća da će im pomagati,kuhati I voljeti ih , kraljica žuri za osvetom nakon što ce saznati da Snjeguljica još živi.
Nakon nekoliko dana patuljci ce se vratiti I ugledati snjeguljicu na podu a pokraj nje jabuku.stavit ce je u staklenik sa cvijecem I odneti u šumu na posebno mjesto gdije ce se pomoliti nadajuci da ce se snjeguljica probuditi.

One day in a distant kingdom lives a young Snow White who, out of jealousy of her stepmother, is not allowed to do anything but be a maid in the castle, while the queen herself thinks of nothing but her own beauty. After the magic mirror announces to her that Snow White is of greater beauty, the queen will order the hunter to kill the princess and bring her heart. The hunter refuses, but after he is unable to kill the innocent girl, he will warn her of the queen's intentions and Snow White will flee into the woods. Soon they will find a small hut and meet the dwarves where they will stay, the Dwarves will agree to keep Snow White and she will happily promise to help them, cook and love, the queen is in a hurry for revenge after learning that Snow White is still alive. After a few days, the dwarves will return and see a snowflake on the floor and an apple next to it. They will put it in a greenhouse with flowers and take it to the forest to a special place where they will pray hoping that the snowflake will wake up.