Zla maćeha/ Evil Stepmother
Ja ću biti najljepša žena na svijetu.Moje čarobno ogledalo će mi reći:"Ti si najljepša žena na svijetu".Reći ću lovcu da ubije Snjeguljicu. Neće više biti živa! O ne,nije ju ubio!Živa je!Ja ću ju pronaći i otrovati!!Sama ću to učiniti!
I am going to be the most beautiful woman in the world.My magic mirror is going to tell me:"You are the most beautiful woman in the world".I am going to tell the hunter to kill Snow White.She is not going to be alive any more!Oh no,he didn't kill her! She is alive!I am going to find her and poison her. I am going to do it myself!